En bekkedal er en dal som er dannet av en bekk eller en elv. Bekkedaler er ofte naturskjønne og kan være hjem for en rekke forskjellige planter og dyr.
Gjesdal is a Norwegian word referring to a person's or family's surname, and can also be related to geographical places in Norway. English
Bådalen valley English
Hornindal Valley English
Holmedal is a place in Norway English
Steinsdalen refers to a geographic name that refers to an area or place known for its natural beauty or specific characteristics, often associated with mountains or valleys. English
Skjeggedal is a place name in Norway, referring to a valley or area with a unique geographical formation. English
Begndalen is a valley in Norway. English
Engerdalen valley English
lowland valley system English
bottom of a valley English
Bødalen Valley English
Sogndal village English
Lomme Valley English
Gudbrands Valley English
Romsdal region English
natural depression English
Advent Valley English
Bøverdalen Valley English
valley town English
deep valley English
geographical name English
Eggedal valley English
Gausdal valley English
Gjengedal is a geographic area or valley in Norway English
river valley English
Gudbrand Valley English
God's Valley English
Halling Valley English
Holtålen Valley English
Hawkedale English
Hawkedalen English
Hjelledalen valley English
Hunndalen valley English
Kjølsdalen is a valley in Norway English
Langfjord Valley English
Long, narrow valley English
Melfjord valley English
Nittedal municipality English
Numedal Region English
Ogndal is a place name that can refer to an area or village in Norway English
Ottadalen valley English
Ramfjord valley English
Redalen Valley English
Romsdalen Valley English
Saltdal Valley English
Sirdal municipality English
Tistedal Valley English
Storelvdal valley English
Sørkedalen area English
Tørdal is a geographic term in Norway referring to an area or place in Norway known for its natural beauty and culture. English
Viksdalen valley English
Setesdal Valley English
Jostedal Valley English
Vikedal village English
Ljördalen valley English
Tistedal village English
Folldal Valley English
rolling hills area English
Uskedal valley English
Nydalen area English
Namdal region English
Orkdal Valley English
Steindalen is a Norwegian name referring to a geographic area or valley English
Rypdals is a place in Norway, known for its natural beauty and peaceful atmosphere. English
Frøylands Valley English
rural area English
bear valley English
Kjendalen is a scenic valley English
Krokelvdalen Valley English
Ljørdalen valley English
Bordalen Valley English
Nissedal village English
Older Valley English
Setes Valley English
Song Valley English
Svenningdal valley English
Sømå Valley English
Hattfjelldal village English
valley formation English
Soknedal Valley English
Svartisen Valley English
Tufsing Valley English
Finnfjord valley English
Prince's Valley English
Glåmdal Valley English
Hakadalen valley English
Lodal Valley English
Norddal valley English
Romsdal Valley English
Stordalen Valley English
Sunny Valley English
Tisleidalen is a valley located in Norway. English
Audnedal municipality English
Haltdalen valley English
Hallingdal Region English
Gravdal is a place name in Norway English
valley name English
valley floor English
Eastern Valley English
valley area English
Valley of Valsøya English
Grukkedalen Valley English
valley system English
Gudvangen Valley English
vale of sorrow English
valley of delight English
stream valley English
Bøver Valley English
Morgedal Valley English
large valley English
Place of the Gods English
Namdalen region English
Nordodal Valley English
The Valley Region English
Eikedalen Valley English
Nile Valley English
Dirdal region English
Knubedal Valley English
valley vegetation English
Numedal Valley English
Fyllingsdalen valley English
Rekdal is a Norwegian surname and can also refer to geographical places or local characteristics in Norway English